Australian Government To Seize 24,000 Children, Vaccinate Them Without Parents Present In Massive Stadium
No Shot, No Proof, No Service: NYC Businesses Begin Checks
Some Are More Equal.
No Vax, No Food!
Freedom Bad, Fraud Good!
Covid Nazi: Screw Your Freedom!
This is where little Arnie gets mad and compares the unvaccinated to people who ignore traffic signals. Seig heil my friend, seig heil....
It’s All Part of the Plandemic.
Covidfascism Defined
1 often capitalized : a psychopathic philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts extremist anti-scientific ideology above the basic human rights of the individual and that stands for a...
Depopulation Via Vaccination
Wrongly labelled as a conspiracy theory, Bill Gates suggests to a chuckling audience that the solution to zero carbon is zero population. Even ‘fact checkers’...